CSF and Sportfishing Community Partners Release Policy Recommendations for the Next Administration and Congress

THE FUTURE OF SPORTFISHING: Policy Recommendations from the Recreational Fishing Community is a collaborative, consensus-based approach of seventeen recreational fishing organizations that will benefit our nation’s fisheries, more than 57 million anglers, and the industries they support. 



USDA Secretary Vilsack Issues Memo to Deliver On-The-Ground Wildlife Migration Conservation

Earlier today, Secretary Tom Vilsack of the United States Department of Agriculture issued a Secretary’s Memorandum that will direct agencies within USDA to improve and conserve terrestrial wildlife habitat connectivity across the country.


Youth Hunting Seasons in the Great Plains

Many states in the Midwest and across the country offer opportunities for youth hunters to hit the field in pursuit of game species including deer, turkey, ducks, and pheasants before the seasons open to the public.


Hunting in the Southeast has Many Perks: Protecting Your Hearing is One of Them

When most folks think of hearing protection, they picture a traditional set of headphones or earplugs. However, as firearm suppressors have grown in popularity, they offer a safe and effective means of hearing protection while afield.


It Takes a Team: The Line Has Been Held in California

While many bills were signed into law in California this year, most of them will have minimal impact on sportsmen and women, if any impact at all, thanks to amendments championed by CSF and made real by our Caucus members and partners within California’s sporting-conservation community.



Take a Kid Hunting This Fall

If we are going to stem the tide of falling numbers in hunting participation, those of us with the means to mentor should be an active participant in the solution and not a passive onlooker.


AGLOW Presents Prestigious Award to Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (The Outdoor Wire)

NWTF Kentucky Commits $83,200 to Habitat, Research, and Hunting Heritage for 2025 (National Wild Turkey Federation)

2024 Iowa Deer Hunting off to a Good Start (Iowa Department of Natural Resources)

Youth Pheasant Season Includes Special Youth Hunts (Nebraska Game & Parks Commission)

New Hampshire Youth Deer Hunt Set for October 26–27 (New Hampshire Fish and Game Department)

Hunting & Trapping (Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife)


Special Double Feature Episodes

The Sportsmen’s Voice On The Hill, Part 1

Fred is joined on Capitol Hill by Utah Congressman Blake Moore, the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Larry Kane, and Silencer Central Founder and CEO Brandon Maddox to discuss The Tax Stamp Fund Reallocation Bill. 


The Sportsmen’s Voice On The Hill, Part 2 

Fred is joined on Capitol Hill by Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, Wild Sheep Foundation’s Corey Mason, and Ryan Bronson of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to discuss The Wildlife Movements Through Partnerships Act. 



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