Going, Going, GONE! Maryland’s Lead Hunting Ammo Ban Killed at Crossover

Hunters in Maryland can continue to use the ammunition of their choosing for hunting game species in the “Old-Line State”.



Nebraska Legislation Protecting Firearm Retailers and Consumers on the Move

The Nebraska legislature is considering two bills that would respectively protect firearm purchasers from having their firearm and ammunition purchases tracked while also protecting the firearm industry from discriminatory business practices.



CSF Supports Habitat Improvement Project on Montana Wildlife Management Area

The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks’ proposed forest health improvement project on the Ray Kuhns Wildlife Management Area would improve habitat for game and nongame species through a variety of science-based treatments.



Wyoming Corner Crossing Ruling Upheld by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals

This complicated and long disputed access issue has been a common debate within the outdoor recreation community and has worked its way into common conversation, appellate courts, the WY Attorney General’s Office, and the state legislature.



A Better Bang for Your Buck – 2nd Amendment Sales Tax Holiday Legislation Moving in Georgia and Alabama

2nd Amendment or Outdoor Sporting Good Tax Holidays, like those currently proposed in Georgia and Alabama, give sportsmen and women a window of opportunity each year to purchase outdoor sporting good equipment, including firearms and ammunition, tax free while simultaneously benefitting conservation programs.



Chuck Sykes Named Executive Director of the Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports (Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports)

UP Trappers Association Seeks New Members to Help Reorganize District in Western Region (Michigan Department of Natural Resources)

Midwest Walleye Challenge Returns for Second Year (Nebraska Game and Parks)

Another Confirmed Case of CWD in Louisiana (Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries)

Strong Kentucky Turkey Season About a Month Away (KentuckyToday)

2025 Old Dominion One Shot Turkey Hunt and Youth Essay Contest (Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

WI Sandhill Crane, WA Firearms Legislation, & Montana License Bills (Delta Waterfowl)

Common Ground between California and the White House: Forest Management (Healthy Forest, Healthy Communities)


In this episode of The Sportsmen’s Voice, Fred sits down with the federal policy team from the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation for an in-depth Q1 review of the new administration and Congress. From groundbreaking legislation to exciting conservation wins, this jam-packed conversation is essential listening for sportsmen and women who care about the future of America’s outdoor heritage.



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