This month, the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation launched the CSF Forestry Advisory Council to bring together the forest industry and the hunting conservation community to work collaboratively to provide guidance to CSF to inform and advance policies that facilitate active forest management, support a robust forest industry, and improve wildlife habitat and access for sportsmen and women. READ MORE |
A proposed rule by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that was opposed by CSF because it would have done little for whale conservation while substantially impacting angler and boater access and coastal economies has been withdrawn by the agency. |
Colorado SB-25-003 seeks to ban many semi-automatic rifles and shotguns commonly used by America’s sportsmen and women in hunting and recreational shooting. |
Indiana Senate Bill 32 places an unfunded mandate on the Indiana DNR to identify, breed, and release certain white-tailed deer onto Indiana’s landscape. |
The reimbursement to state fish and wildlife agencies for free and discounted licenses is a key priority for the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. READ MORE |
Just days after the new Administration takes office, members of the American Wildlife Conservation Partners will be announcing their policy recommendations that affect hunting, recreational shooting, wildlife conservation, and the outdoor industry. The recommendations are included in Wildlife for the 21st Century, Volume VII and will be announced during the Professional Outdoor Media Association Meet-Up, hosted by the Boone and Crockett Club. Presentations will be brief and there will be plenty of opportunity to talk to AWCP partners, enjoy free beer, and potentially win quality door prizes. Where: POMA Meet-Up – Unity Boardroom, Caesar’s Forum When: Wednesday January 22, 2025, 4:00 to 5:00 pm PST Who: Chris Dolnack, Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer, National Shooting Sports Foundation Bill Dunn, Vice President of Marketing, National Shooting Sports Foundation Taylor Schmitz, Director of Federal Relations, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation John Devney, Senior Vice President, Delta Waterfowl Foundation |