Colorado Anti-Hunting Org’s Signature Effort Passes Muster, Hunting Ban Headed to the Ballot

Defeating Colorado’s hunting ban initiative keeps the authority to manage Colorado’s wildlife in the hands of the state’s well-trained wildlife professionals, where it belongs.



Excise Tax on Ammunition Introduced During Special Session in the Cornhusker State

Introduced during a special session called for by Governors Sportsmen’s Caucus Member Governor Jim Pillen to evaluate tax priorities, Nebraska Legislative Bill 65 (LB 65) would impose a 5% excise tax on all ammunition sales in the state.


New Hampshire Governor Brings State in-line with Federal Electronic Duck Stamp Act

On July 26, 2024, Governor’s Sportsmen’s Caucus (GSC) Chair, Governor Chris Sununu signed New Hampshire Senate Bill 310 (NH SB 310) – An Act Relative to bear registration, federal duck stamps, and the transport of out of state lobsters and crabs, into law, bringing the Granite State in line with federal law.


CSC Senators Manchin and Graham Introduce a Better Pathway for North Atlantic Right Whale Conservation

A new rule under final consideration by the White House Office of Management and Budget implementing a 10-knot speed limit for all vessels 35 feet and longer will have significant implications for offshore anglers and boaters at certain times of the year along most of the Atlantic Coast.



CSF Hosts Successful Policy Forum and Reception at NCSL

Providing opportunities for the sportsmen’s community and members of the  National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses (NASC) to come together and discuss current issues impacting hunting, fishing, recreational shooting, and trapping is critical to ensuring the continuation of our time honored sporting traditions.


Commissions to Consider Bighorn Sheep Season (Nebraska Game & Parks)

Duck Hunters Select from Two Bag Limits When Registering for HIP (Nebraska Game & Parks)

Governor Reeves Appoints New MDWFP Commissioners (MDWFP)

North Carolina Extends Public Comment Period on Right Whale Vessel Strike Reduction Rule (North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality)

Olympic Shotgunner Wins Gold Again. So Meta Shut Him Down (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

NRA Says New Massachusetts Law Will Negatively Impact Hunters (NRA Hunters' Leadership Forum)


Fred is joined by CSF Vice President of Policy, Brent Miller on the heels of an incredible mid-year policy report. Brent takes us through the process of turning ideas into action for the sporting community and shares the tremendous successes that CSF has garnered over the past year – along with a sneak preview of where we are going from here!



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