Colorado Wolf Legislation Makes Its Way to Governor's Desk

Colorado’s wolf reintroduction, mandated by voters in 2020, has taken a positive step forward for those concerned about the impact of wolves on the landscape with two bills aimed at managing and compensating for the impact of the wolves on livestock, and requiring a 10(j) designation from the USFWS prior to the wolves’ release. These two pieces of legislation, championed by Colorado Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Co-Chair’s Sen. Perry Will and Sen. Dylan Roberts, have advanced to the Governor’s desk and will provide the necessary management tools for Colorado Parks and Wildlife as they implement Proposition 114.


New Striped Bass Regulations Aimed at Addressing Conservation Concerns

CSF Supported Stream Access Legislation Signed Into Law in Georgia 

Legislative Session Recap of the Peace Garden State

Maine Bill to Simplify Regulations Undermines Science-Based Wild Turkey Management

Youth Hunting and High School Shooting Sports At Risk From HB 2005; Opposed By Coalition of Sportsmen and Conservation Groups 


Apply Now for a CSF Employment Opportunity 

Brad Rowse Internship Program

Event and Development Internship Program

Fisheries Policy Intern Program



May 19 - South Carolina Sporting Clays Classic

June 09 - Congressional Fishing Competition 

August 04 - August Recess Clays Competition 

Archery Trade Association Highlights CSF's Q1 2023 Outdoor Heritage Report (ATA)

SCI Proud to Support Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation Congressional Clays Event (Safari Club International)


"CSF Just May Be the Best Investment I Have Ever Made."

James L. Cummins, Executive Director of Wildlife Mississippi, President of the Boone and Crockett Club, and CSF Board Member, knows a thing or two about conservation. Between his experience as a wildlife biologist, his time spent on Capitol Hill, and his various volunteer positions, Mr. Cummins has distinguished himself as a sportsman worth emulating. In 2022, Mr. Cummins added another title to that list, CSF Heritage Fund Donor. Please follow this link to learn more about Mr. Cummins story and how you too can provide a voice for America's sportsmen and women via planned giving. 


Interior Department Announces $1 Million for Conservation Partnerships at Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge (DOI)

NOAA proposes controversial speed regulations along Atlantic coast (WECT)

Parks and Wildlife Commission Approves Historic Final Wolf Restoration and Management Plan (Colorado Parks and Wildlife)

Wild Sheep Foundation's Women Hunt Accepting Applications for 2023 New Hunter Course (Outdoor Wire) 


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