Tensions Build as New Mexico's 60-Day Session Reaches the Halfway Point 

In the Land of Enchantment, the focus of this year’s legislative session is anything but for law-abiding gun owners. Throughout this legislative session, CSF has advocated in both written and verbal testimony against a number of bills whose enactment could have serious consequences for wildlife conservation in New Mexico. 


CSF-Supported Coastal Habitat Bills Back on the Table in the 118th

CSF Opposes Illinois Bill That Would Prohibit the Transfer of Ammunition

Second Year of Empire-Sized Success for New York’s Mentored Hunting Pilot Program

CSF Submits Comments in Support of Dedicated Conservation Funding in Mississippi


Apply Now for a CSF Internship Opportunity 

Brad Rowse Internship Program

Event and Development Internship Program

Fisheries Policy Intern Program


February 23 - SCI Convention Reception

March 21 - Illinois Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus Reception & Auction

April 25 - Congressional Clays Competition 

Feds Move Closer to Grizzly Bear Delisting, CSF President and CEO Jeff Crane Comments (Free Range American)


DWR implements emergency statewide restrictions for shed antler hunting to help protect wintering big game in Utah (Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) 

F&G will reduce deer herds in Slate Creek to slow the spread of chronic wasting disease | Idaho Fish and Game (Idaho Fish and Game) 

National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic Draws Record Crowd (The Outdoor Wire) 

Perrotte Receives National Recognition as Top Communicator (NWTF) 


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